Welcome to our Terms and Definitions Feedback Form!

Just as with every other publisher of rapidly evolving, complex content, occasionally there are things that we can improve upon. Sometimes the reasons for this are technical and sometimes they're not. What makes our materials and system unique is that, thanks to this direct link to our editorial team which you are now using, we can rapidly consider and incorporate your feedback. We hope that you can appreciate that we have this system in place not because our stuff is shoddy, but, rather, because it is good.

We gladly and sincerely welcome constructive, considered, and, where possible, cross-referenced feedback on specific items of content using the form below.

  • This is not the place for technical or customer support requests! We'll be happy to hear from you on such issues via our Online Helpdesk. Please use this form only to provide feedback relating specifically to one very particular piece of content (such as a single term/definition) as your message here will go to our editorial team only, not our technical or customer support staff. You will not receive a timely response (and in fact might get none at all) if you submit such a message through this system instead of via our helpdesk.
  • Please make sure your app/program content is up to date before using this feature - A very high percentage of false reports we get via this system can be traced to the fact that the user does not have the latest version of the program content on his/her device. Please be 100% sure (especially if you are thinking about submitting a ticket about a "missing image") that before submitting a ticket here that you have used the in-app or in-program update utility for the program or app in question (often available via a 'get updates' or 'check for updates' link or button from the main menu). This will also help ensure that you are studying the latest and greatest material!

Here is the current term:  If below it different substantially compared to how it appears in your app/software, be sure to update your software/app's content prior to using this form.
Station Identifier
The station identifier, in ICAO format, is included in all reports to identify the station to which the coded report applies.

The ICAO airport code is a four-letter alphanumeric code designating each airport around the world. The ICAO codes are used for flight planning by air traffic controllers and airline operation departments. These codes are not the same as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) codes encountered by the general public used for reservations, baggage handling and in airline timetables. ICAO codes are also used to identify weather stations located on- or off-airport.

Unlike the IATA codes, the ICAO codes have a regional structure. For example, the first letter is allocated by continent, the second is a country within the continent; the remaining two are used to identify each airport.

In the contiguous U. S., ICAO station identifiers are coded K followed by the three-letter IATA identifier. For example, the Seattle, Washington (IATA identifier SEA) becomes the ICAO identifier KSEA.

ICAO station identifiers in Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam begin with the continent code P, followed by the proper country code (A, H, and G respectively), and the two-letter airport identifier.


  • PANC Anchorage, AK
  • PAOM Nome, AK
  • PHNL Honolulu, HI
  • PHKO Keahole Point, HI
  • PGUM Agana, Guam
  • PGUA Anderson AFB, Guam
Canadian station identifiers begin with C, followed by the country code, and the two-letter airport identifier.


  • CYYZ Toronto, Canada
  • CYYC Calgary Canada
  • CYQB Quebec, Canada
  • CYXU London, Canada
  • CZUM Churchill Falls, Canada
Mexican and western Caribbean station identifiers begin with M, followed by the proper country code and two-letter airport identifier.


  • MMMX Mexico City, Mexico
  • MUGM Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
  • MDSD Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • MYNN Nassau, Bahamas
Eastern Caribbean station identifiers begin with T, followed by the proper country code, and airport identifier.


  • TJSJ San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • TIST Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands
For a list of Alaskan, Hawaiian, Canadian, Mexican, Pacific, and Caribbean ICAO identifiers see FAA Order 7350.7. For a complete worldwide listing, see ICAO Document 7910, “Location Indicators.” Both are available on-line.
source: FAA/NOAA Aviation Weather Services (AC 00-45G)
Please do not use this form to tell us that the definition you saw doesn't necessarily match the context where you saw it. We use an automated keyword-based system to match the tens of thousands of definitions in our glossaries with our material. Sometimes, when a term has more than one meaning or use or when an abbreviation might stand for more than one thing or resemble a 'normal' word, this results in a definition for a term being shown that doesn't necessarily match the context. Please do not report such issues here. Rather, please use your best judgment to evaluate whether such definitions apply to what you're reading. If the answer is 'no' but nevertheless you feel the term doen't have a good definition in our system but should, please go back and find the 'suggest a term' link in the app. Thanks!
We welcome your feedback.  Please carefully fill out the specifics below. If you wish to comment on more than one term/definition, please fill out and submit this form separately for each.
Please Identify Yourself.  It's important, so that we can get back to you with feedback or requests for clarification.
Please enter your email address above solely for the purpose that our editorial team might, if necessary, contact you with questions, comments, or requests for clarification.


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