Welcome to our Terms and Definitions Feedback Form!

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Here is the current term:  If below it different substantially compared to how it appears in your app/software, be sure to update your software/app's content prior to using this form.
An accelerometer is a device that measures proper acceleration ("g-force"). Proper acceleration is not the same as coordinate acceleration (rate of change of velocity). For example, an accelerometer at rest on the surface of the Earth will measure an acceleration g= 9.81 m/s2 straight upwards. By contrast, accelerometers in free fall orbiting and accelerating due to the gravity of Earth will measure zero.

Accelerometers have multiple applications in industry and science. Highly sensitive accelerometers are components of inertial navigation systems for aircraft and missiles. Accelerometers are used to detect and monitor vibration in rotating machinery. Accelerometers are used in tablet computers and digital cameras so that images on screens are always displayed upright. Accelerometers are used in drones for flight stabilisation. Pairs of accelerometers extended over a region of space can be used to detect differences (gradients) in the proper accelerations of frames of references associated with those points. These devices are called gravity gradiometers, as they measure gradients in the gravitational field. Such pairs of accelerometers in theory may also be able to detect gravitational waves.

Single- and multi-axis models of accelerometer are available to detect magnitude and direction of the proper acceleration (or g-force), as a vector quantity, and can be used to sense orientation (because direction of weight changes), coordinate acceleration (so long as it produces g-force or a change in g-force), vibration, shock, and falling in a resistive medium (a case where the proper acceleration changes, since it starts at zero, then increases). Micromachined accelerometers are increasingly present in portable electronic devices and video game controllers, to detect the position of the device or provide for game input.

source: Wikitionary / Wikipedia and Related Sources (Edited)
Please do not use this form to tell us that the definition you saw doesn't necessarily match the context where you saw it. We use an automated keyword-based system to match the tens of thousands of definitions in our glossaries with our material. Sometimes, when a term has more than one meaning or use or when an abbreviation might stand for more than one thing or resemble a 'normal' word, this results in a definition for a term being shown that doesn't necessarily match the context. Please do not report such issues here. Rather, please use your best judgment to evaluate whether such definitions apply to what you're reading. If the answer is 'no' but nevertheless you feel the term doen't have a good definition in our system but should, please go back and find the 'suggest a term' link in the app. Thanks!
We welcome your feedback.  Please carefully fill out the specifics below. If you wish to comment on more than one term/definition, please fill out and submit this form separately for each.
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